Product for business meeting
I started a company to get people in the world to know the wonderful food of Hokkaido.
I have been involved in the food business for 36 years in Germany, and I strongly hope to use this experience to provide better products from Hokkaido. We are small company but on the right path as a food pro.
I have 50 years of experience as a cook and have made dish to successive Japanese Prime Ministers and VIPs inside and outside. I also have 30 years of experience in food wholesale.
企業ポリシー 当店はどちらかといえば北海道の中小企業を応援しています。全国にはマイナーな商品でも美味しいものは沢山あるのが北海道です。何か皆様に一品でも素晴らしい商品をお届けできれば幸甚です。年に何度か北海道各地に出向き実際試食して「これは美味い!」という商品に限定して販売しております。当店自慢の商品を一度ご試食下さい!店主 |